
The Scindia School, Faculty Resource Centre

The FRC occupies the central position in the school’s academic block. It is the hub for teachers. The facility houses a central hall, Technology room, VC room, Cyber Lab and lockers.The design goal was to untouch the original surfaces but juxtapose the old and new without any narrative character, in which both the elements face a new future in a synergetic way.
The English design followed to achieve modern, clean spaces playfully interjecting rustic elements throughout the space.The colour palette is warm and friendly mix of ochre and rust with voguish furniture in wood and veneer creating a classic statement. Few wall surfaces have been rendered with fabric paneling and writable surfaces for usability.
The ceiling and flooring patterns transform radically throughout the fluid space. The ceiling is diverse featuring concepts from suspended ceiling panels with acoustic features to hanging rectangular ceiling blocks with wood texture wallpaper especially in the central hall to minimize the high ceiling effect. Floor surface are rendered with tiles replicating natural and local stones animated through textural treatment and inlaid patterns.